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  1. To develop Christian learning, Bible study and education in a Christian environment for the Christian community. This goal of CLBIS is based on Colossians 3:16, ÒLet the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God
  2. Increase the number of spiritually prepared individuals within the church and community, based on 11Corinthians 9:10,Ó Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.Ó
  3. To foster mission – mindedness and to help in the development of ChristianÕs understanding of ChristÕs plans for the world Evangelism, Mission and Church Development, based on Deuteronomy 4:10, ÒRemember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when he said to me,Ó Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.Ó
  4. To become Christ – centered, Bible – minded and Word – speaking Christians, based on Romans 12:2, ÒDo not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and to approve what GodÕs will is – His good, pleasing, and perfect will.Ó
  5. To train men and women to hear and respond to the voice of God, based on 11 Timothy 3:16-17,Ó All scripture is God – breathed, and is useful for teachings, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.Ó
  6. To make disciples, based on Matthew 28:19-20,Ó Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything l have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always even to the end of the age.Ó
  7. To provide an effective and relevant Theological Education for the body of Christ in order to raise leaders who will be involved in changing our word until the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God and His Christ based on Rev. 11:15, ÒThe seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: ÒThe Kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.Ó

Christ Life Bible Institute & Seminary

1694 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213

Course Description


Bachelor of Theology

Introduction: The undergraduate program shall run for Eight (8) semesters. At the completion of the first four (4) semesters, students will be awarded Diploma of Christian Theology. Thereafter, they are expected to complete the remaining four (4) semesters if they desire a Bachelors of Christian Theology (B.Th).

They are required to be in class twice every week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) 6pm to 9pm and 6pm to 8pm respectively.

At the end of the program, the student shall be awarded a degree from Lighthouse Christian College and Seminary, based in Beebe, Arkansas.


Undergraduate Courses 


Old Testament                                        

BOT - 101 Old Testament Survey I - 3 credits

A study of the first five Books of the Bible, looking at the origin of the earth through the development of humanity into the nation of Israel through the Book of II Samuel.


BOT - 121 Old Testament Survey II - 3 credits

A survey of the Old Testament from I Kings through Malachi and a study of the men and women of the Old Testament who were outstanding in their faith.


BOT - 232 Old Testament Studies II - 3 credits

A study of the Historical Books of the Old Testament, from the Book of Joshua through Esther. The background and structure of each book is examined.


BOT - 333 Old Testament Studies III - 3 credits

A study of the Old Testament Books of Poetry, covering Job through the Songs of Solomon. This study covers the background and content of each Book illuminating many key passages and doctrinal themes.


BOT - 444 Old Testament Studies IV - 3 credits

A study of the major Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel and a study of the minor Prophets, Hosea through Malachi.


New Testament

BNT - 214 The Gospels - 3 credits

A study of the four Gospels, paying special attention to the style and approach of each writer.

A basic study of the General Epistles which includes James, I and II Peter, I, II, III John and Jude.


BNT - 300 The Book of Acts & Romans - 3 credits

An overview of the Book of Acts, its key purpose, subjects and characters. A study of PaulÕs letter to the Romans.


BNT - 311 Pauline Epistles I - 3 credits

A study of the Pauline Epistles from the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians.

A practical study of the first three chapters of PaulÕs letter to the Church at Ephesus with emphasis on practical and spiritual application.


BNT - 420 Jude & Hebrews - 3 credits 

A look at the Book of Jude.

A study of the Book of Hebrews, looking at the ÒHall of FaithÓ and the role of Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King.


BNT - 422 Pauline Epistles II - 3 credits

A study of I and II Corinthians, I and II Timothy, Titus and Philemon.

A study of PaulÕs second letter to the Corinthians Church continuing his discussion about issues that the Corinthian Church faced.


Bible Theology


BTH - 101 Obedience - 3 credits

A detailed look at obedience and obedient characters throughout the Bible.


BTH - 106 Fundamentals of Christian Doctrines - 3 credits

An introduction and overview of basic Biblical Doctrine.


BTH - 121 Systematic Theology I - 3 credits

An introduction to Systematic Theology, starting with Bibliology and Basic Theology.


BTH - 232 Systematic Theology II - 3 credits

A continuation of Systematic Theology I, studying Angelology, Demonology, Anthropology and Christology.


BTH - 241 Introduction To Bible Theology  - 3 credits

An introduction to Biblical Theology and Bible Doctrine.



BTH - 270 The Ministry of the Holy Spirit - 3 credits

A Biblical examination of the Person, works, Gifts and Ministry of the Holy Spirit.

An investigation of the Fruit of the Spirit of the Spirit and their impact upon the Believer.


BTH –303 Anointing - 3 credits

A study on how to recognize, develop and release GodÕs resident anointing through the Believer.


BTH - 341 Spiritual Warfare I - 3 credits

A study of the dimensions of Spiritual warfare and how to break the strongholds of the enemy. Also, covering the value of living the Spirit filled and controlled life.


BTH - 343 Systematic Theology III - 3 credits

A study of Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Harmartology and Soteriology.


BTH - 351 New Testament Church History  - 3 credits

A study of Early New Testament history and its impact on modern civilization.


BTH - 443 Spiritual Warfare II - 3 credits

A continued study of Spiritual Warfare I with a focus on understanding the enemy and his tactics. Also, covering the power inherent within the New Testament Believer.


BTH - 490 The Blood Covenant - 2 credits

An in-depth look at Blood Covenanting in the Bible with emphasis on the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ.


BTH - 454 Systematic Theology IV - 3 credits 

A study of Pneumatology and Divine Healing.


BTH – 460 Hermeneutics – 2 credits 

An introduction to interpretation of Biblical text.

An in-depth look at righteousness, its impartation and imputation to the BelieverÕs account.


Christian Education


CED - 111 Life Management I –2 credits

This course deals with how to make proper decisions, the management of the soul, spirit, finances, and time.


CED - 122 Life Management GodÕs Way II –2 credits

This course teaches the Believer how to set realistic Biblical goals and to develop a genuine Biblical vision, as well as managing their natural bodies.



CED - 170 Study Skills - 2 credits

How to study more effectively by developing positive study skills and habits, including research techniques and recourses.


Bible Practical Application


BPA - 111 Foundations of Christian  Faith - 2 credits

Includes Studies in Learning and also an introduction to Biblical Faith.


BPA - 131 Prayer I - Necessity of Prayer 7 Life of Praise - 2 credits

A study on the types and necessity of Prayer.

A study of the value of Praise throughout the Bible and providing insight into the importance of Praise.


BPA – 225  GodÕs Authority in the Believer – 2 credits

A look at the authority and responsibilities of the Believer.


BPA - 240 Preparation for Ministry 1 - 2 credits

A study on the three (3) basics of Christian preparation for Ministry, including the BelieverÕs attitude, Motivational Gifting, and the Ministry of Helps.


BPA - 260 Awareness of Church Government - 2 credits

This is a study of the various types of Church government, such as the Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Congregational, and Independent.


BPA - 360 Ethics and Excellence - 2 credits

A study of the importance of ethics and excellence in the Believer and Ministry.

A look at Integrity and the Believer, stressing the importance of integrity in the BelieverÕs life.


BPA - 370 Preparation for Homiletics - 2 credits

A study on the art and skill of Biblical presentation and sermon building.


BPA - 460 Preparation for Ministry II - 2 credits

A study of the five-fold ministry.


Missions & Evangelism


MIS - 111 Introduction to Evangelism - 2 credits

An introductory level course on witnessing and effectively sharing the Gospel.


MIS - 121 The ÒCallÓ of a Missionary - 2 credits

The call, evaluation, and logistics for the missions minded.


MIS - 222 Evangelism I - 2 credits 

How to effectively become a Christian witness.


MIS - 232 Missions I - 2 credits  

History of Christian Missions and Biblical foundations for Missions.


MIS - 333 Evangelism II - 2 credits

A study of Evangelism for home and foreign field.


MIS - 343 Missions II & World Culture- 2 credits 

Trends and Phenomenon in Missions.

A study of world cultures and cultural preparedness for Missionaries.


MIS - 445 Missions I11 & Missionary Finances - 2 credits 

Cross-Cultural education, Deputation and Fund Raising, Missionary Stewardship, Financial Management, how to build a Missionary portfolio, and MinisterÕs taxes and compensation.


Christian Counseling


CCS - 101 Introduction to Christian Counseling - 2 credits

This course addresses the local Church, the Christian counselor, and the Christian Community and overview to Christian counseling and a summary of counseling methodologies about the problems people face.


CCS - 221 Essentials of Marriage Counseling - 2 credits

This course begins with premarital counseling and continues through problems that exist within marriage, taking a look at Biblical marriage models.

This course takes a close look at issues that deal specifically with women and problems they must face.


CCS - 322 Biblical Counseling - 2 credits 

This course introduces the Bible as the most valuable tool that can be used in Counseling.


CCS - 430 Pastoral Counseling - 2 credits 

This course looks at the local Church pastor as a Counselor. It deals with specific issues that challenge the local Pastor such as counseling and the local Church, congregational relationships, and Pastoral and congregational interaction.






  Masters of Course Description


INTRODUCTION: Our Master of Theology program shall run over Four (4) Semesters. Students are required to be in class once every week for three hours.


Entry Requirements: Applicants shall be holders of earned Bachelors degree acceptable to the CLBI authorities. At the end of the program, the student shall be awarded a degree from Lighthouse Christian College and Seminary, based in Beebe, Arkansas.


The following courses shall be included in the program:


1.     GMIS - 500 Planning Strategies for Evangelism  

This course is a team research project designed to facilitate the evangelism of an un-reached people group.


2.     GMIS - 560 Comparative Religions

A study of the major Religions of the world and the truths of the Word of God that refute the claims of non-Christian religions.


3.     PT 500  Field Study 


4.     ADM - 533 Leadership in Ministry III This course teaches leaders how to develop a ministry leadership team, exercise group leadership skills, effective planning for growth, leadership methods and models.


5.     GBTH - 590 Developing a Healing Ministry

A study of the Believers Messianic Anointing and responsibility to continue the earthly ministry of Christ.


6.     BTH – 560 Hermeneutics

An introduction to interpretation of Biblical text.


7.     GBCU - 516 The Culture of Biblical People and Lands

This study of the culture of Biblical peoples brings to light the activities of both Old and New Testament people.


8.     GBNT - 590 Pastoral Epistles This study gives the foundations for leadership within ministry. PaulÕs ancient advise is still relevant and necessary.


9.     GBNT – 535  Harmony of the Gospels

An in depth study of the Gospels.


10.   GBNT - 550 Reign of Grace

A serious look at chapters 5 through 8 of PaulÕs letter to the Roman Church, discovering the true meaning of redemption.


11.   GBOT - 521 The Tabernacle of Moses

A detailed look at the Tabernacle in the wilderness and it furnishings.


12.   GBOT - 532 The Tabernacle of David

A detailed comparison of the Tabernacle of Moses to the Tabernacle of David.



13.   GBOT - 521 The Feasts of The LORD

An allegorical and historical look at the Feasts of the LORD in their relation to the Messiah.


14.   Thesis 25,000 words






Doctoral Course Description


INTRODUCTION: Our Doctor of Theology program shall run over Four (4) Semesters. Students are required to be in class once every week for two hours. Entry Requirements: Applicants shall be holders of earned Masters degree acceptable to the CLBI authorities. At the end of the program, the student shall be awarded a degree from Lighthouse Christian College and Seminary, based in Beebe, Arkansas.


The following courses shall be included in the program:




1.      GBOT - 632 The Biblical Offerings

An in-depth look at the Biblical offerings, including their pictorial types in relation to the Messiah and their spiritual types.


2.      GBC – 650  Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling and Pastoral Care.


3.      GBNT - 640 The Epistles of John

A look at the Letter of John to the Believing Churches, focusing on the love of God, and his warnings concerning false teachers.




4.      GBS – 660 Biblical Archaeology

An in-depth study of the role of archaeology in Biblical Studies.


5.      GBTH - 640 Covenants

An in-depth look at the Eight major Covenants of the Bible from Eden to the Messianic New Covenant.


6.      GBTH - 650 Apologetics

A serious look at how to defend the faith.




7.      GBTH – 661 Biblical Criticisms

A look at the theological concepts of Biblical, Textual and Historical criticism in the development of Biblical Text.


8.      GBL – 600 New Testament Greek

An introductory study of NT Greek and its application to Biblical interpretation.


9.      GADM - 640 Developing a Non-Profit Ministry

A study and research project on how to effectively develop a non-profit ministry, including the study of State and Federal Laws concerning such Ministries.




10.   GADM – 650 Principles of Leadership

Applying corporate leadership principles to the church organization, emphasizing the importance of integrity in Leadership.


11.    GBNT - 600 The Acts of the Apostles

An in-depth look at the Book of Acts.


12.   GBPA – 660  Understanding Prayer

An in depth looks at prayer and how to pray.




13.   Doctoral Research and Dissertation (50,000 words)

Policy Statements:

Applicants must read carefully, sign and return as part of the completed application.

I.      Tuition Policy:

*Note that CLBIS authorities can change the fee schedule at any time without notice. ***

1. Tuition costs are not paid by the credit hour, but rather by the total cost of the degree program.

2. Full tuition is paid on any degree program regardless of the number of credit hours needed by the student, unless previous arrangements are made through the admissions office.

3. Students shall be required to pay their degree fee at the end of their study for the particular degree. (Contact the office for details)

4. Payments may be arranged with the CLBIS admissions office.

5. Should a student become inactive, he or she may reactivate his/her status as student, by paying a $25.00 re-registration fee and assuming his/her studies and scheduled tuition payments as applicable.

6. No work is graded while a student holds an inactive status.

7. If a student remains inactive for a period of one year, he or she must reapply to CLBIS and forfeits any tuition paid in the past.  They will not, however, have to retake classes they have previously earned credit for, and become subject to current tuition rates as would any new student.

II. Change of Major Field of Study:

1. The student may change his or her major field of study at any point as long as he or she maintains active status.

                  2. Transferring to a different major field of studies requirements are as follows:

                  - Submit a written request to CLBIS

- Upon re-evaluation of this change, the student will be provided with a written copy of his/her new schedule.

- You can transfer credit hours earned in one major to another, however, a minimum course load is required in any and all major fields of study. In most cases the student will have extra requirements to complete in the new field of study. 

- Active students may transfer their tuition to a new major as long as the transfer takes place during the first 60 days of original enrollment. After that date the student will need to officially withdraw from their old major and re-enroll in a new major.

  Begin enrolment process now>>>